Monday, July 28, 2014

July 23, 2014 – Stony Point, AB

Not much activity today. We visited a second hand/antique store but there wasn't anything in the store that begged us to purchase it, so we went on into Edmonton to see the downtown area.

Hmm...we forgot the map. So we just drove around. The Edmonton area industrial park is located on the north side of the city. It covers an immense area. Gayle was really impressed (not!!).

We milled around in and out of residential and business areas, crossed the Athabasca River in mid city, and ended up in a large mall (not the WEM) and had lunch and did a little shopping.

Our Magellan navigator found our way back to the RV Park around 5 PM where we relaxed for the remainder of the day.

Tomorrow, we will drive ~180 miles towards Jasper Natl Park. We will stay in Hinton, AB as all of the RV Parks in JNP are full.

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