Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 8, 2014 Denali, AK

We left the RV Park at 7:30 to begin our 8 hour/132 mile round trip bus tour into Denali National Park. The bus was packed (55 people) and we sat in the second to the last row. The bus left promptly at 8:30.

The Park Service says that of all the visitors that go into Denali, due to the mountains micro-climate, only 1/3 of the visitors actually are able to see Mt. McKinley. The weather was overcast and cloudy and the clouds surrounded the mountains. However, the scenery was absolutely amazing. We took over 50 photos, and we can tell you that they do not do justice to the actual view.

After four hours, we arrived at the Eielson Visitor Center. You guessed it – we could not see Mt. McKinley. The photo below was taken inside the visitor center, looking out towards McKinley. If you look closely, you can see where the Park Service has etched the glass to allow visitors to see where the peak of McKinley is (or would be if they could see it.).

Even though we did not see McKinley, the excursion was not a loss. We were able to see an abundance of wildlife including doll sheep, caribou, grizzly bears (2), and an arctic fox.

On our way back, we saw another bus coming towards us. Gayle took a photo of the bus on a bridge. Earlier we said the camera doesn't do justice to the scenery. Look closely at the bridge – particularly the bus. Now compare the bus to the mountains. Unbelievable!!!

We did have an excellent day. Tomorrow we leave Denali and head to Anchorage.

July 7, 2014 Denali, AK

Since we only had 130 mile to drive today, we didn't leave North Pole until 11 AM. The drive was uneventful – which is a good thing!!

We have noted before that the streams and rivers are running bank full. They still are. Not only that, but the ground water level has risen as well. There is water standing everywhere. Although the mosquitoes are not bad yet, we are glad we will not be here when the hatch occurs!!

We arrived at Denali around 2 PM, set up the trailer, and headed to Denali Natl Park. Vehicles inside the park are restricted to the first 14 miles of roadway. After that, you must ride an excursion bus. We obtained our tickets for tomorrow and drove the 14 miles. The Park is beautiful but in order to see Mt McKinley, you must ride the excursion bus.

At the turn-around, we were able to see 3 caribou grazing along the Savage River, but they were about ½ mile away. We did manage to get a photo.

On the way back to the RV Park, we stopped at a visitor village to do a little shopping and then stopped at the 49th State Brewing Company for dinner. We had a great day!!

Sunday July 6, 2014 – North Pole, AK

We had a great day!!! No rush about anything for a change!! This morning we did our bi-weekly chores – laundry, cleaned the trailer, and generally spiffed up.

After lunch, we went to the Santa House at the North Pole (AK) - where Christmas lasts all year long. This is a large store and believe me VERY busy!! We spent the better part of 2 hours there. (Which I am reminded by Gayle that after the drive to the Arctic Circle I owed her that much time in a store of her choice :-) Gayle started her Christmas shopping with gust and zeal!! We also got to see some of Santa's reindeer.

In the late afternoon, we went to see the movie Tammy. It was humorous, but on a scale of 1-10, we rated it a 6. After the movie we re-visited Pikes Landing for dinner. Another great time. And of course, we went back to our newest best ice cream shop for a treat before returning to the RV Park at 8:30.

Tomorrow we head to Denali Nat'l Park and stay for a couple of days. We only have a 130 mile drive so it will not be an early start.

Saturday July 5, 2014 North Pole, AK

What a beautiful morning!! Here we are in the middle of Alaska – 57° and not a cloud in the sky. The forecast is 82 today and 84 tomorrow. Unfortunately, our A/C is not working. Oh well, the forecast for Monday is 68 and rain for the rest of the week.

We had a leisurely morning. I took the pickup to the car wash while Gayle got ready. We left at 11 for Fairbanks.

We had lunch at a Chena River-front restaurant – Pikes Landing. The seating was on a large deck built out and over the river bank. As I said yesterday, the rivers are at their seasonal high so the feeling was that we were right on the water. Our lunch and the ambiance was excellent.

After lunch we went to the Discovery Landing for a 3 hour cruise aboard the Discovery III stern wheeler passenger boat on the Chena River. When we arrived at the landing, there were 5 or 6 large Greyhound-type tour buses that had already unloaded their passengers – all of which were there for the cruise. We estimated there were 300 people on the cruise. However, the seating was very comfortable.

During the gold rush and for some time after, there were 250 stern wheelers carrying cargo from the Bering Sea, up the Yukon River system to many gold rush cities including Fairbanks. These boats can operate in very shallow water (39”) which makes them ideal for these rivers. The owners of the Discovery I recognized the demise of cargo boats in the 1950's and converted the boat to passenger boat. This operation grew to what is is today.

We left the landing and visited several sites including the importance of the bush planes to Alaska, the home of the 4-time winner of the Iditerod dog sled race (Susan Butcher), a re-created Indian village, and a small herd of reindeer (caribou). All in all, the cruise was every enjoyable.

After the cruise, we went to a place called Pioneer Park. This is a re-created gold rush town aptly named Alaskaland. The “town” has several shops and a carousel. They also have an outdoor salmon bake that included a salad bar, crab legs, halibut, prime rib, and dessert. This was an excellent meal!!

On the way back to the RV park, we stopped at a home made ice cream shop. A two scoop cup of mocha almond & coffee hit the spot!!

We arrived back at the RV park at 8:30. This was a fun-packed day and we are ready for a good nights sleep!!